
Monday, May 7, 2012

Motivational Monday #3

"It has never been so bad that it couldn't be worse..." Anonymous

Good Morning readers! I hope this Monday is finding you well! So tell me, did you accept my challenge last week? Did you wake up every morning with a positive attitude? If yes, how has it worked out for you? I cant wait to hear!

I was having a hard time deciding on the quote to help me with my blog for today, until I read them over again for about the upteenth time! Then it hit me as to why I needed to use the opening quote. The infamous FML. Have you ever seen that abbreviation used before...or perhaps even used it yourself? It's short for, F*ck My Life. I cringe anytime I see that used by anyone. It has become a pet peeve of mine. Most of the time someone is using it for crazy reasons like failing a test, breaking up with someone, having to get the idea. Small reasons. Not that any reason is good enough for you to just say, FML, like you could care less if you lived another day. When you are having a rough go of it, do you ever stop and look at your life? I mean, so what you have to take your car to the shop for the millionth time, atleast you have a car. So what you have a leak in your roof, atleast you have a roof over your head. And if you have had your heart broken, trust me, it's not a FML moment. I've been there, and at the time you feel like your world has come crashing down on you, but if you just hold on another day it gets better and you are a stronger person for it. It just teaches you what you really want and deserve in a relationship. Each moment, good or bad, was supposed to happen to shape who you are now and who you will become. My best friend loves to use FML, and if she was sitting in front of me when she used it I would punch her square in the nose! I tell her "Keep using that term and the Lord can take your life away!" I'm always scared for someone anytime they use FML. I may be crazy for feeling that way, but it's the truth. I don't like to watch the news because lately there is never anything good to report, but it definitly can keep you in check. Children go missing everyday it seems like...someone is murdered...someones home was burned down and they lost everything. Those things are far worse than what some of us get upset over. Now, when i was about 12, our house did burn down. I was sad because all my medals and trophies,as well as my sisters, were gone and we werent sure where we were going to live, but never once did I wish I was not alive. A life living, even if it's just with the clothes on my back, is better than no life at all. If I have a bad day now and then I look back at days I have had in my life and realize if I got through that day, then this day will be a breeze. I just ask that next time life seems too hard, you take a moment to breathe and face it with courage and say "This too shall pass." I want to leave you with two more quotes that I love and look to often.

“If there is one thing I have learned about life it is... it goes on.” Robert Frost

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." Wayne Dyer



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